An area of personal growth during my program to London was the boost in my confidence and ability to navigate a large city independently. Prior to this experience, having lived only in the suburban area of Commerce, Michigan, I was initially uncertain about how I would adapt to the bustling life of a major metropolitan area. However, living and exploring London proved to be eye-opening. I quickly learned how to efficiently use public transit, navigate the city’s neighborhoods, and handle urban challenges. This newfound ability to confidently maneuver through a major city has reassured me that I would thrive if I were to move to another large city, such as New York or Chicago, in the future.
One of the most impactful aspects of my experience was the sheer accessibility of theatre in London. The city's vibrant theatre scene, with its rich history and innovative productions, was a constant source of inspiration. Seeing shows like Richard III at the Globe and Slave Play on the West End deepened my understanding of performance and storytelling, reinforcing my desire to pursue a career in theatre. This has also led me to consider continuing my education in the UK, where the theatre industry feels less saturated, yet equally dynamic. The idea of attending a conservatory here for graduate study is now a tangible goal I’m eager to explore further.
Furthermore, before starting this program, I was apprehensive about pursuing a career in professional theater due to the common
My time in London was a pivotal experience that broadened my horizons and solidified my passion for theatre. The challenges I faced and the cultural scene I immersed myself in have equipped me with the confidence and optimism needed to pursue a career in this industry. London has shown me the vast opportunities that exist within the global theatre landscape, and I now feel more prepared than ever to take on the professional world.
Name: Shelby Ginsburg
Status: Senior
Major: Acting for Stage Screen and New Media
Hometown: Commerce Township, Michigan
Program: Exploring British Theatre in the UK
FLAS Fellowships
Global Speaker Program
Asian Studies Center Newsletter
AIFIS-MSU Conference on Indonesian Studies