International Studies & Programs


COIL program connects faculty, students in South Africa

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Published: Monday, 27 Jan 2025 Author: Kimberly Popiolek

The following story is available in full on the College of Arts and Letters website.

Trixie Long Smith, professor in the Department of Writing, Rhetoric, and Cultures at Michigan State University, is part of the second cohort of the Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) Faculty Fellows Program-Africa and is partnering with a faculty member at the University of Pretoria in South Africa during the 2024-25 academic year.

Dr. Trixie Long Smith (left) and Dr. Ruth Aluko (right)
Dr. Trixie Long Smith (left) and Dr. Ruth Aluko (right)

An online cross-cultural teaching and learning method, the COIL program links university courses, faculty and students in different countries to offer a collaborative intercultural experience. As part of the program, faculty from different countries partner to design a class module. Students who enroll in this shared module work together across cultures to complete the activities created, thus offering a multicultural opportunity to learn, discuss and collaborate.

The COIL Faculty Fellows Program-Africa is operated by the Global Youth Advancement Network and Office for Education Abroad, through MSU’s new Center for Global Learning and Innovation in International Studies and Programs (ISP), in partnership with the Alliance for African Partnership (AAP). It aims to advance global learning through a combination of strategic partnerships, faculty instructional leadership, internationalization of the curriculum and student success. The program provides faculty from any discipline the opportunity to explore the theory and practice of Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) through global partnerships connecting AAP Consortium institutions to design and implement COILed projects together.

As part of this fellowship program, Smith is collaborating with Ruth Aluko, a researcher within the Distance Education Unit at the University of Pretoria who oversees the quality of the institution’s open distance learning programs, facilitates training and workshops, and is involved in the evaluation of open distance learning.

“I was fortunate to find a good fit with Dr. Ruth Aluko. We are both teaching graduate courses with enough overlap in thought and process to make a group project feasible."

“Given my previous partnerships and collaborations with partners across the African continent, I was asked to potentially partner with someone from an AAP institution who was looking for a partner,” Smith said. “I was fortunate to find a good fit with Dr. Ruth Aluko. We are both teaching graduate courses with enough overlap in thought and process to make a group project feasible. We then applied together and were accepted.”

Smith and Aluko are partnering to offer their students the opportunity to engage in global learning by inviting them to not only consider existing philosophies of education and theoretical frameworks from both teaching and research, but to apply these various philosophies and theories to their own research and teaching practices.

During the fall 2024 semester, Smith and Aluko went through the COIL training and worked on their class materials. Now during the spring 2025 semester students in Smith’s Methods of Research in Rhetoric and Writing (WRA 870) graduate seminar and in Aluko’s Philosophy and Sociological Imperatives in Education graduate course will participate in the COIL project.

To learn more about COIL, visit Collaborative Online International Learning.
