International Studies & Programs

Cultivating a new generation of multicultural leaders

An interview with Meaghan Kozar, Inclusive Campus Initiative interim project manager

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Published: Friday, 16 Dec 2022 Author: Nicole Damron

At MSU, we believe that every Spartan can be a Global Spartan. Where has your Global Spartan journey taken you? 
Close up headshot of a smiling woman against a teal background; she has long black hair pulled back and a blue and white floral shirt.
Meaghan Kozar, interim project manager, Inclusive Campus Initiative

Meaghan Kozar is a champion of all things DEI here at MSU. With over two decades of experience teaching, advising and training in higher education, Kozar’s dedication to creating strong communities, relationships and educational spaces is strong as ever. 

As the former assistant director of MSU’s Asian Pacific American Studies Program and Student Success Program coordinator for MSU’s Office of Cultural & Academic Transitions, Kozar has served the Spartan global community, helping shape a new generation of multicultural leaders. 

She currently serves as interim project manager for the Inclusive Campus Initiative, an initiative sponsored by the Office of the Senior Vice President for Student Life and Engagement. In this new role, Kozar continues to focus on making MSU a more diverse, inclusive and accepting community through the encouragement of open dialogues, community forums and workshops aiming to celebrate diversity and cultivate young leaders. 

—An interview with Meaghan Kozar—

What does being a Global Spartan mean to you?

Being a Global Spartan means a recognition and appreciation of the multitude of diverse cultures, identities, languages, traditions and beliefs represented at MSU without prioritizing one community over another.

In what ways does global diversity influence your work?

Global diversity influences my work at MSU through a consistent reminder of our complex and ever-changing lives that are impacted both by people we meet and people we might never meet. Global diversity impacts our resources, ideas, problems, solutions, luxuries, simplicities, worries and peace.

Why is developing a global mindset important for the MSU community?

A global mindset is important for the MSU community as we consider how to create more inclusive policies and practices that support marginalized communities. Inclusive policies and practices increase our compassion, humility and awareness as humans living on a shared planet.

How do you help students start to see themselves as Global Spartans?

We began this conversation of intersectional Spartans that includes having students think about themselves as a Global Spartan during our Inclusive Campus Initiative Summit and Cultural Unity Buffet this fall. We also are continuing to distribute these Global Spartan t-shirts to primarily domestic students to demonstrate allyship in embracing this inclusive identity.

A group of students pose together holding up green “Global Spartan” t-shirts. The room has green, orange and yellow walls with a swirl design on the right one.
Kozar with Global Spartans on one of the OCAT Fridays.
What's one thing you would encourage students to do as they chart their own paths as global citizens?

I want to encourage students to consider the responsibility they have in promoting an inclusive world that recognizes a diversity of communities, cultures and identities.

What is the most rewarding part of your job?

Prior to serving in this role with the Inclusive Campus Initiative, my support of marginalized students was often reduced to servingd as a listening ear. Sometimes that is all students want and appreciate. However, in my new role, I still listen but also now problem-solve these challenges while streamlining any issues to MSU administration that have the authority to implement resources and other avenues of support.

Tell us about the Inclusive Campus Initiative

While the Inclusive Campus Initiative will not be able to solve all issues at MSU related to diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging (DEIB), in the short time it has been implemented and supported, we have begun to make an impact at MSU. This impact is an increase in awareness and support for marginalized students and an increase in collaboration with DEI practitioners. The ICI continues to gain momentum in its direction, scope and purpose. Yet, its structure allows for swift changes to meet urgent needs.

We encourage people to reach out with questions, concerns and solutions to challenges related to supporting marginalized communities.

You can find out more about what we're doing by checking out our website:

Where will your Global Spartan journey take you?
