International Studies & Programs


OCP Lunar New Year Wishes

Our Year in Review

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Published: Friday, 26 Feb 2021 Author: Dr. Yanjiang Teng (translated by Jennifer Wargo)

The Spring Festival, chunjie, has arrived and with it the start of a new year. As this joyous and peaceful celebration draws to a close today with the Lantern Festival, the MSU Office of China Programs (OCP) team would like to extend our sincerest new year greetings and blessings for the Year of the Ox!Graphic of ox eating large yuan Xiao 

2020 was an extraordinary year, full of fear and anxiety, but also a year that helped us show tenacity and courage. The days may have blended together, but the OCP team worked hard to keep our global Spartans unified. Over the past year, we worked with many MSU units to face the challenges of the year, and we reflect on those moments now as we look to the future.

Remembering our roots

OCP was established in July 2005, and since September of 2018, the team has been growing. OCP has always adhered to the mission of being the main resource for MSU-China relations, and focuses on four priorities: research engagement, education and training, student recruitment, and support for employer and alumni relations in China. Our work in 2020 focused on these four aspects, and we are proud of our innovative efforts.

Special attention to student support

With the onset of COVID-19 and the implementation of quarantine measures, many uncertainties arose. In order

Zoom screenshot of 6 MSU participants in a panel
Screenshot of campus collaborators during a virtual outreach event for students in China organized by OCP.

to reduce the anxiety of students and parents, OCP initiated a series of virtual office hours in collaboration with the Office for International Students and Scholars (OISS) and many units across campus. From April to August 2020, we held a total of 17 sessions. More than 30 MSU faculty, staff, and students participated in answering questions and sharing perspectives. These sessions attracted hundreds of students and their family members from Chinese speaking countries and regions, with the largest session reaching 575 participants. Answering questions through these Zoom webinars helped MSU connect students and their families during the pandemic and gave MSU’s outreach efforts a personable touch. 

Following the series of office hours, OCP cooperated once again with OISS to help newly enrolled 2020 freshmen better adapt to university life through a series of International New Student Orientation sessions hosted in Mandarin. Additionally, OCP collaborated with the Office of Education Abroad to launch a “China Based Semester" (CBS) program to provide more in-person experiences for students in China during the pandemic as most students could not return to the United States. More than 200 MSU students participated in the CBS program at Nanjing Agricultural University and through The Education Abroad Network’s collaboration with Fudan University in Shanghai. Ms. Luo Jing from OCP attended the orientation events for both programs on behalf of MSU. 

Ms. Luo walks through a park with several smiling CBS students
Ms. Luo walks with some MSU CBS students in Nanjing, China.

Partnerships continue to advance 

This year, OCP further strengthened our in-depth cooperation with Chinese universities. With Nanjing Agricultural University, OCP’s Dr. Jiaguo Qi continues to promote scientific research exchange activities of the Asia Hub Network, a partnership supported in part by the MSU AsiaNexus which aims to prop up the innovative work of faculty building partnerships and novel programming in Asia. The Asia Hub has numerous joint projects in process and has jointly published many articles. The Asia Hub is made possible by the NAU-MSU collaboration and brings in 14 other partner institutions in Asia to raise awareness of issues in the region related to the Water, Energy, and Food (WEF) nexus. In addition to the Asia Hub, MSU also established a Joint Institute with NAU in 2019 which will soon see its first cohort of students. The OCP team has also been supporting the MSU College of Communication Arts and Sciences as it builds a new partnership with the Communication University of China and Joint Institute on Hainan Island. 

Multiple forums enhance cross-cultural understanding 

OCP continued its “China and the World: Beyond the Headlines” seminar series in 2020, bringing in experts and scholars in related fields inside and outside MSU to organize multiple forums on timely and relevant topics, including a dialogue on the protests in Hong Kong and a panel analyzing China-US Economic Relations after the U.S. presidential election. In-depth interpretation of the trend of Sino-U.S. relations and the portrayal of multiple perspectives on the topics, helped provide participants with an opportunity to listen to extend their knowledge and enhance cross-cultural understanding. In addition, OCP organized multiple forums on teaching and learning with international students during the pandemic. Through these forums, OCP interacted with many units on campus to strengthen online teaching pedagogy and discuss the challenges faced by international students; OCP remains committed to providing international students with more resources and practical support and continues to play an advocacy role for our global Spartans. Finally, OCP also worked closely with the MSU Chinese Faculty Club (CFC) to organize important dialogues between university leadership and the CFC. For example, the OCP organized conversations on research engagement with Chinese institutions and co-authors to help address faculty concerns and questions regarding the ever-changing geo-political realm and how school policies have been influenced.

Broadening recruitment efforts in China

OCP increased the MSU Office of Admissions’ efforts in mainland China through the work of Ms. Jing Luo, OCP’s Director of Marketing and Recruitment. She worked with many high schools in China to present MSU, interact with parents and students, and answer questions. During the pandemic, many events had to be moved to the virtual realm, but after the situation in China eased, Ms. Luo was able to visit to schools and hold seminars, making positive contributions to promoting MSU in China. OCP actively participated in activities organized by industry associations including the American Universities in China Association (AUCA), the China Institute for Guidance and Research Center (ChinaICAC), the East Meets West Conference (East Meets West), and the Education and Culture Division of the U.S. Embassy in China (EducationUSA). 

Jing on left picture in yellow jacket, smiling, head shot. Bingbing on left, arms crossed, in navy suit, smiling.
Ms. Jing Luo (Beijing) on left. Ms. Bingbing Chen (Shanghai) on right.

Enhancing the relationship between employers and alumni 

The relationship between employers and alumni is one of OCP's strategic priorities. In 2020, OCP participated in a number of activities organized by AUCA, such as the Student Career Development Forum, Recruitment Fairs, etc. Building relationships with employers, working with major companies to share employment trends and information, and providing a bridge for internship and employment opportunities for MSU students is important for our Spartans from China. Ms. Bingbing Chen, located in Shanghai, joined OCP as the Director of Employer and Alumni relations, further strengthening cooperation with Chinese employers and broadening the employment channels for students as she works hand in hand with the Career Services Network and the Office for International Advancement. 

Working together for the future 

After 2020, we have our feet on solid ground and look forward to the new Year of the Ox. We plan to take advantage of the momentum, forge ahead, and embark on a new journey. In the spring of 2021, OCP will launch its first endowment fundraiser. We invite all Spartan alumni, parents, and friends to join us in supporting MSU's work in China and for our Spartans of Chinese origin. The endowment fund will be used to attract, support, and help Chinese students through scholarships and emergency funds, and it will fund more Chinese studies projects to promote cultural exchanges between China and the United States. This year, MSU’s Give Green Day is March 16. We encourage you to make a gift and help us make a broader impact in the coming year! Thank you, faculty, students, parents, and alumni, for your great support of OCP's work. We sincerely wish everyone good health, successful work, happy family, and all the best in the new year! Happy Lantern Festival and let’s welcome the Year of the Ox together!
