The Asian Studies Center offers outreach programs for P-16 educators, students, community members, and others to increase awareness of Asian cultures and societies through educational events, workshops, curriculum development, and resources.
Sixteen current high school tenth and eleventh graders from Michigan and Japan will join together for a rigorous nuclear science and peace education cultural exchange featuring 10 days at MSU and surrounding areas, followed by 10 days in Japan. The program will be a unique blend of science and the humanities as Japanese and American students explore nuclear science, policy, and history. Students, with guidance from MSU faculty, will work together to create museum exhibits to be featured in Michigan and Japanese museums. Through this exchange program, the Asian Studies Center and our partners hope to cultivate future scientists and leaders who are innovative, ethically responsible, culturally aware, and committed to building bridges of friendship and mutual understanding between the U.S. and Japan.
This program is generously funded by the United States-Japan Foundation and the Asian Studies Center at Michigan State University.
Total Student Costs
Important Dates
The Application Submission Portal has been closed.
2018 Michigan-Japan High School Exchange Program Application
2018 Michigan-Japan High School Exchange Program Recommendation Form
The Great Lakes Shiga High School Science Exchange Program brought together 16 current high school 10th and 11th graders in the U.S. from the Great Lakes area and from the Shiga Prefecture in Japan. The group was led by a team of instructors in this rigorous water science program and cultural exchange featuring 10 days in the Great Lakes area followed by 10 days in the Lake Biwa/Shiga Prefecture area. This program was generously funded by the United States-Japan Foundation and the MSU Asian Studies Center.
In 1990, the Michigan Department of Education and the Shiga Board of Education initiated the Michigan-Shiga Student Exchange Program. Since 2014 it's been operated by the Michigan Shiga Sister State Board and the Asian Studies Center.
Each year the program offers 15 high school students an opportunity to travel to Shiga Prefecture in late June/early July to live with a Japanese family for two weeks. During their home stay the Michigan students attend school, participate in cultural and family events, increase their awareness of the Japanese culture and build lifelong relationships.
In early September, the Michigan students welcome their Japanese host students to Michigan. During their two weeks in Michigan, the Japanese students also attend school and participate in school and family activities while experiencing the culture here and extending the bonds between the two families. Two English Language instructors accompany the Japanese students. The Michigan students are chaperoned by two experienced teachers who are members of the Michigan-Shiga Student Exchange Program Committee.
Contact the MSSSB president Kathee McDonald, , for more information.