The Asian Studies Center seeks to continue to support faculty work in research, teaching, and service by showcasing their work. Please share your latest achievements (e.g. publication, external funding and awards, promotion, etc.), through the Faculty Achievements Submission page.
For best results, please use sort function below. For an alphabetical listing sort by last name, ascending.
Anning JingEmail: jinga(at) College: College of Arts and Letters
Department: Department of Art, Art History, and Design
Focus Country: Japan, China, India, Tibet, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Hong Kong
Nanda JoshiEmail: joshin(at) College: College of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Department: Department of Animal Science, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Focus Country: India
Raymond JussaumeEmail: jussaume(at) College: College of Social Science
Department: Department of Sociology
Focus Country: Japan, Thailand, China
Mariko KawaguchiEmail: kawaguc7(at) College: College of Arts and Letters
Department: Department of Linguistics and Languages
Focus Country: Japan
Yore KedemEmail: ykedem(at) College: College of Arts and Letters
Department: Department of Linguistics and Languages
Focus Country: Israel
Charles KeithEmail: ckeith(at) College: College of Social Science
Department: Department of History
Focus Country: Vietnam, France
John KerrEmail: jkerr(at) College: College of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Department: Department of Community Sustainability
Focus Country: India, Indonesia, China
Jon KeuneEmail: keunejon(at) College: College of Arts and Letters
Department: Department of Religious Studies
Focus Country: India
Mi Ran KimEmail: kimmi8(at) College: Eli Broad College of Business and Eli Broad Graduate School of Management
Department: School of Hospitality Business
Focus Country: South Korea
Seung Hyun KimEmail: kimseung(at) College: Eli Broad College of Business and Eli Broad Graduate School of Management
Department: School of Hospitality Business
Focus Country: South Korea