International Studies & Programs


Finding overwhelming support far from home

Be part of a solution for international students in need. Donate to the International Student Emergency Fund on Give Green Day.

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Published: Monday, 06 Mar 2023 Author: Joy Shantz

For Give Green Day, coming up on March 14th, 2023, International Studies and Programs is highlighting the International Student Emergency Fund. This award, distributed by the Office for International Students, supports global Spartans experiencing unexpected hardships to help them continue with their degree at MSU. Leading up to Give Green Day, we are sharing stories from former recipients of the award. First, learn Faizan Lali’s story. 

baby Sannan during treatment
Sannan during treatment at the University of Michigan Hospital. 

Faizan Lali and his family arrived in East Lansing on January 7th, 2022. One week later, his one-year-old son fell violently ill and was diagnosed with a brain tumor. 

“I can’t explain what that moment felt like,” Lali said.

A new graduate student in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Lali suddenly found himself in the University of Michigan Hospital in Ann Arbor where his son needed brain surgery. Lali’s stipend and health insurance weren’t finalized yet, he didn’t have a vehicle to travel, and his family had to stay in Ann Arbor for more than a month while his son recovered from surgery. 

Sannan recovered from surgery
Sannan in 2023

Staff from the Office for International Students and Scholars reached out and recommended Lali apply for the International Student Emergency Fund. Lali said the funds helped pay for medical bills and purchase a car to travel to Ann Arbor for chemotherapy, radiation, and more treatments as his son continued to heal. 

Today Lali’s son, Sannan, is doing well. While he still has routine MRIs and continuing treatments, he is regaining physical skills like walking. 

Lali said the support he received during this whole experience was overwhelming. In addition to receiving an award from the International Student Emergency Fund, Lali also received funding from the College of Engineering. Professors allowed him to attend classes in a hybrid format from the hospital in Ann Arbor, and friends from the Pakistani community offered emotional and practical support. 

A recent family photo
"We were far away from our family and our country, but we didn't feel like it," Lali said.

“We were far away from our family and our country, but we didn’t feel like it,” Lali said. “Me and my wife, we felt like we were home.” 

Receiving an award from the International Student Emergency Fund made a big difference at a difficult time in Lali’s life.

Make an impact in more student’s lives by donating on Give Green Day.
